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IT contingency plan: How to prepare your company for a cyberattack?

2 Minutes reading

As experts state, it is not in place to ask whether a cyberattack will happen, but when it will happen. Even though malware and DDoS attacks, phishing and other types of online threats cause damage to most companies, they still underestimate the importance of a high-quality contingency plan that would help them react immediately and resolve the consequences of the attack.

The faster the response, the faster the chance for a complete recovery. The contingency plan, also known as IT incident management, defines the appropriate organizational and technical steps that should be taken in case your company suffers a cyberattack – from protecting stored data to restoring normal operations.

In the following handbook, you will learn:

  • How to draw up a contingency plan step by step
  • How to react when your company is attacked and where to turn
  • How to reduce the impact of a cyberattack to a minimum
  • How to act in stressful situations, such as when the attacker demands a ransom

Download the free handbook that helps you build an effective crisis response. Be ready for any scenario and bet on thorough prevention.

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